Discovering Technical Professionals for Your Success!

Your Partner for Search and Placement Services

Understaffed Teams,

Increased Business Challenges

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burdened team

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Budgetary and time constraints create high demand to fill critical roles within your business - exponentially Impacting your bottom line If they remain unfilled.

Open roles on your teams take a toll on your day-to-day work and the personal lives of you and your team - leading to possible attrition on your legacy teams.

The supply and demand imbalance of talent has created a shortage of specialized technical professionals, making It Increasingly challenging to scale your teams.

Attracting and retaining top talent has never been more difficult. Internally, teams are stretched thin and challenged to provide an exceptional candidate experience.

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time and money balance
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Standing Chairs in a Row Yellow Chair Stands Out
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big yellow Star on stair, business successful concept
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Placing technical and industrial professionals across industry sectors


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Brenda Armstrong

Owner | Founder

I started ITEOM with the core belief that true leadership is not just about head counts or meeting quotas; it's about fostering a team of extraordinary individuals who share a common vision and amplify a teams’ strengths.

Our team hunts for those hidden gems—the diamonds in the rough- who possess the perfect blend of skills, knowledge, and an innate hunger for growth so that we can help you unleash the full potential of your organization.

We're your advocates, your confidants, and your partners in growth. Your success is our obsession, and we'll go to great lengths to find the right person, at the right time.

I look forward to going above and beyond in working with you and your teams soon,


A Word From Our Clients

Take the next steps towards discovering technical professionals for your team with ITEOM.